AaRo 發表於 3-2-2009 15:47:25

I NO PLAY online games
so boring= =
乂佐 發表於 2-2-2009 17:20 http://www.nakuz.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif

Yes..It spends a lot of time

↗章仔↙ 發表於 4-2-2009 09:33:27

I don't think online games are boring,I just think it will spend a lot of time.

無.話可說 發表於 4-2-2009 12:40:15

I hold the belief that playing online games is wasting time since you need to spend a lot of time playing the games so as to make your character chosen become robust and of high-level when you start playing such games.

sinz0026 發表於 5-2-2009 23:11:25

I played Run Onlive before but my new computer doesn't support that system after I changed it.
Actually I like it so much!

carmenkaka 發表於 6-2-2009 03:49:42

i only play one online game and that's Audition
and i play more than one servers
of coz the HK server and i also play the Korea, China and Taiwan servers

i'm an Audition-addict XDDD

九月的冰雪暴 發表於 6-2-2009 19:52:22

i only play one online game and that's Audition
and i play more than one servers
of coz the HK server and i also play the Korea, China and Taiwan servers

i'm an Audition-addict XDDD
carmenkaka 發表於 6-2-2009 03:49 http://nakuz.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif

But can you type Chinese in US computer@0@?
OR it will be a mess ifyou type English in HK games-_-"
I cannot imagine *FAINT*

!石仔! 發表於 7-2-2009 14:56:52

我見人人都打英文 但係我英文又差...
I all play over Survival project,but now 多唔多 people play??

俊SIU 發表於 9-2-2009 22:03:25

我見人人都打英文 但係我英文又差...
I all play over Survival project,but now 多唔多 people play??
!石仔! 發表於 7-2-2009 14:56 http://www4.nakuz.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
you can,t import chinese replies in here,if you was discovered .You will be deduct your nakuz point。I can,t comfirm the spelling of the nakuz point

harry01hk 發表於 13-2-2009 16:55:51

I dont play online game now- -
I am living in sydney,i study english all day

Fig9ux 發表於 12-3-2009 05:46:40

I am currently playing TLBB at the moment. I have played many other games but i dont find them as interesting as TLBB.
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